Category Archives: Chapter 85


*My unedited speech from the ceremony on 10/17/21:

“And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 NLT

I was both surprised and deeply honored that Meagan asked me to read this verse today. Surprised because for years all I’ve heard from Natalie and Meagan is


She took a big risk having me up here as she knows I could talk for hours about this particular verse.

It’s not your traditional wedding Scripture, but it really should be since running a marathon is the greatest analogy to life. The highs and lows. Finding the right pace. Striving for new personal bests. Encouraging one another to challenge him or herself AND being that person’s best cheerleader. The struggle when you hit a wall. The emotional and physical pain. The moments you wanna DNF aka quit. The times you forget why you’re even in this race…

Meagan and Nathan, here we are standing at the start line of your most important race. Surrounded by family and friends here for the sole purpose of cheering you on in YOUR race. This moment has been months in the making. But your training began years beforehand.

I remember years ago when Alexa [glance over at bridesmaid] was at our house, and I had just come home from a run. You were probably just making polite conversation when you asked me HOW do you run a marathon? I’ll never forget the look of disappointment on your face when I said “YOU RUN A LOT OF MILES.” I think you were hoping the answer was a magic pill or endurance drink.

Meagan and Nathan, I’m one of your biggest fans and it is my honor to cheer you on in this marathon called marriage; BUT there is ONE greater who will be at your side every step, every mile, every moment. The ONE who knows your strengths and weaknesses – even when you don’t. The ONE who knows a thing or two about sacrifice, going the distance, and finishing strong. You have the ultimate running coach in Jesus.

May you allow Him to help you reach new personal bests each day. May you learn how to lift each other up when the other is sidelined. May you find deep joy from staying the course keeping your eyes on the ultimate prize.

I love you, Meagan and Nathan. Don’t ever stop running the race God has marked out for you.

Oh, and yes, Natalie and Meagan, I do have to make everything about running…

[reveal customized wedding Hokas]